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Richard Brown



Watch Straps


Watch Straps

April 26, 2022


The Tycho Crater is perhaps the most impressive landmark on the moon. Clearly visible with the naked eye, it appears in the South as an impact point surrounded by debris fanning out in sunburst rays. It was named in honour of Tycho Brahe, a 16th century Danish astronomer whose measurements showed that the planets have elliptical orbits, not circular.

Tycho Crater

Tycho Crater - Image credit BY-SA 3.0 

Tycho has been visited by humans. On our last mission to the Moon, Apollo 17 astronauts Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmidt took samples from the far point of one of the impact streams which was close enough from their landing site that they could drive to it using the Lunar Rover. Moon material brought back allowed Earth scientists to accurately date the crater (and therefore the impact) at 108 million years ago.


Astronaut Alan L. Bean, Lunar Module pilot for the Apollo 12 lunar landing mission - Image credit NASA Charles Conrad Jr

On Apollo 17, indeed on most missions, crew wore their Omega Speedmasters (and a single Bulova) on black NASA issue straps. We have not made one of these yet so, by popular demand, we are now excited to release a single colour black ZULUDIVER Lunar Strap named Tycho. Finally, the definitive mission strap.

ZULUDIVER Tycho Lunar Strap

Tycho is accompanied by other straps in our second mission to the Moon. These are the AGENA, ATLAS, FREEDOM, PIONEER, and SIGMA. A feature will follow soon explaining the history of the new names.

ZULUDIVER LUNAR – always mission ready. 

Richard Brown

About the Author: Richard Brown

About the Author: Richard Brown

I truly believe one of the best partners in exploration and adventure is a fine watch. Over 30 years of collecting, my fascination with the technical capabilities of both vintage and modern timepieces has never abated and it is a privilege to be able to share this passion through writing.

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